Bollywood Actress Dia Mirza graced the ramp for designer Anju Modi as showstopper on Day 4 of FDCI India Couture Week (ICW) 2017. The bollywood diva looked like a royal princess in the bridal wear. The attire was inspired by the ‘Vatika Raas of Vrindavan’.
Designer Anju Modi showcased her collection titled ‘Sunehri Kothi’ at the prestigious couture week recently held at Taj.
“My new collection continues to explore the many facets of women. ‘Sunehri Kothi’ is inspired by the land of folklores, of defiant yet compassionate princesses, their tales of courage as they held fast to their honour, and that of their families. The collection draws from the architectural references (the Sunehri Kothi of Rajasthan), a humble yet resilient edifice that is symbolic of the essence of a woman,” she says in FDCI interview.