
Best Homemade Yogurt Face Pack For Acne, Soft and Glowing Skin

Apart from being a delicious dessert, yogurt is also a friend to your skin. Yogurt A.k.a. ‘dahi’ is a solution to almost every problem of your skin. Did you know that it naturally reduces fine lines and wrinkles? Did you know that it can tighten the pores in your face and also take away all the dead skin cells on your face and give you a gorgeous face? It also reduces blemishes and freckles too because it lightens the skin tone. The benefits are innumerable.


Yogurt Face Pack benefits

1. Lactic Acid:

Lactic acid provides the right pH balance and also moisturizes and exfoliates the skin. It is a famous ingredient in beauty products.

2. Zinc:

Zinc can control inflammatory response and prevent breakouts, pimples, redness and various other skin problems.

3. Calcium:

Calcium plays a vital role in skin cell regeneration. It also protects from harmful UV rays.

4. Niacin:

Vitamin-B(Niacin) improves the skin texture, treats sun damage, aging, acne and what not! It basically improves the quality of the uppermost layer of skin.

We have jotted down the various yogurt face packs for different skin. A different skin has different requirements. Know your skin type and choose your yogurt face pack.


Your skin needs hydration and nourishment. In order to give your skin what it needs you to need:

  • 2 tbsp of full-fat yogurt
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • Mashed avocado
  • Cooked oatmeal

Mixture all the ingredients proportionately and apply it on your face. Let it rest for 15 minutes then remove the mask carefully with a wet cloth.


Do you want to get rid of all the redness and painful acne and pimples? Here’s your solution:

  • Yogurt
  • Lemon juice
  • Turmeric powder
  • Honey

Turmeric powder has anti-bacterial properties in it that kill germs causing acne and pimples. Lemon juice lightens the skin and yogurt cools and moisturizes the skin. And honey smoothens the texture of the skin.


Red skin? Inflammation? Worry no more. Your skin needs cooling and rejuvenation. YOGURT, ALOE VERA, CUCUMBER face pack serves the purpose.
You’ll need:

  •  ¼ cup yogurt
  • Chopped cucumber
  • 1 tbsp aloe vera gel
  • Chamomile oil(Optional)

Mix them all and run it all over your face. Let it dry for 20 minutes and rinse it off with cool water.


Who said you have to spend a fortune in order to get a flawless gorgeous skin? The solution lies right in your kitchen.

  • Yogurt
  • Ground Pink lentils(masoor dal)
  • Orange zest

Blend all the ingredients and apply on the face. Let it stay till it dries and afterward wash it off. It will usher an instant glow on your face, leaving the radiant and smooth skin.


Exfoliation means getting rid of dead skin cells. It helps in increasing the blood circulation and makes the skin bright. It paves way for new skin cells. You can prepare a natural exfoliator at home. How? With the help of yogurt and oats. After applying the mixture, massage your face in a circular motion gently. This will remove all the dead cells from your skin.

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