The Pitaya is further commonly referred to as the dragon fruit. It is a really beautiful fruit that has amazing flowers and an intense shape and color. Amazing benefits of dragon fruit for skin, hair, and health.
The dragon fruit is frequently a dark red color, even if some types of this fruit are pink or yellow. The skin of this fruit is a thin rind. The skin is generally covered in scales, and the center of the fruit is made up of a red or white, sweet-tasting pulp. Dragon fruit is rich in nutrients and low in calories so it could be beneficial for fighting chronic illnesses, improving gut health, and boosting immunity.
It is high in fiber as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals including manganese and iron. Health benefits of dragon fruit consist of its skill to aid in weight loss, control diabetes, improve digestion, lower cholesterol, and boost energy levels. It may besides be protective against certain cancers and heart diseases.
Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit
1. Protective against Cancer
The dragon fruit may have anticancer properties mostly in the case of colon cancer. Along with the antioxidant excellence of vitamin C that boosts the immune system, dragon fruits also contain other sources of natural antioxidants. Carotene and lycopene are found in these fruits, are potent antioxidants that have been linked to a number of anti-carcinogenic qualities. They help in falling the chances of prostate cancer as well as the size of tumors in the body.
2. Good Source of Antioxidants
Eat dragon fruit as a good quality natural source of anti-oxidants which aid to prevent the dangers of free radicals which cause cancer and other unwanted health detriments. The number, quantity, and variety of antioxidants in the dragon fruit are completely matchless by any food supplement or pills – even those claiming to have ‘antioxidant’ health benefits. Nothing compares to the rich array of nutrients and antioxidants in a genuine natural food like the dragon fruit. So start dragon food for good health side.
3. Suppresses Arthritis
Arthritis straight affects the joints and causes cruel irritation and immobility. So Adding dragon fruit to your diet can help out you fight these ailments. Dragon fruit’s benefits for people suffer from arthritis are so great that it’s commonly referred to as the “anti-inflammatory fruit.”
4. Fights Diabetes
The high quantity of fiber in dragon fruit can eventually help control diabetes, as it can control blood sugar levels by suppressing sugar spikes. However, with any dietary changes or modifications, always discuss with your doctor to make sure this is good food for you.
5. Eye Care
Dragon fruit is known to restrain the growth of human cytochrome P450, a protein found in the liver. This protein is often linked with the incidence of congenital glaucoma. Also, according to research, the beta-carotene content in this fruit helps in preventing macular degeneration and cataract formation by keep the eyes protected from harmful free radicals.
6. Dragon Fruit Fats
Dragon fruit has a tiny amount of fats because there are so many seeds in the edible part of the fruit. There can be exactly thousands of the small black seeds in any given dragon fruit, and like most seeds and nuts they have both fats and protein in them while the tissue of the fruit itself has virtually none. Various fruits we eat have the seeds removed, like apricots, peaches, apples and the like, so we tend to think of fruits as being totally fat and protein-free. It would be literally not possible to remove the seeds from dragon fruit unless you pressed it through a strainer, the seeds of this food are very small and mixed evenly in the flesh. Luckily these are mostly the healthy mono-unsaturated fats as, of course, they are not processed in any way and therefore are none of the dangerously unhealthy trans-fats seen in most junk food and processed foods.
7. Benefits of Dragon Fruit For Skin
Fights Premature Signs Of Ageing
The antioxidants in dragon fruit may aid fight the signs of aging by protecting your skin from harmful free radicals and keep your skin complexion radiant.
Heal Sun Damaged Skin
Dragon fruit is loaded with vitamin B3 that enables it to heal sun damaged skin and provide instant relief from the inflammation, redness, and itchiness caused by the harsh UV rays.
Treats Acne And Makes The Skin Glow
Vitamin C contained in many types of fruits but mostly dragon fruit helps to treat acne and brighten the skin. Try to add dried dragon fruit powder to your daily juices and watch how your skin becomes radiant.
8. Benefits of Dragon Fruit For Hair
Repairs Damaged Hair
Adding dragon fruit extract powder to your daily diet helps in maintaining the hair nourished and healthy. It contains high amounts of nutrients that help to reduce the damage done to hair by the chemicals present in artificial hair color.
Adds Shine To The Hair
It also helps develop the texture and bring back the shine to your hair.
Prevents Breakage And Split Ends
Dragon fruit acts as a natural conditioner and prevents hair breakage and split ends.