How many times has your mother or grandmother advised you to take turmeric milk while suffering from a mild cough and cold? Many times!!
The reason for this popular turmeric milk in every home is that turmeric is an ayurvedic medicine. Since ancient times, turmeric has been used to cure minor health-related issues. Turmeric milk is popular due to the effective results it shows in a short time. It is mainly used for the treatment of mild coughs, colds, and cuts. But with time, Turmeric is also used to make our body healthy.
How To Prepare Turmeric (Golden) Milk
Turmeric is also known as ‘Golden milk’ due to the colour of milk when mixed with turmeric. And the best part is the method to prepare this medicine is very easy and affordable.
You just need 1/8 teaspoon turmeric powder and mix it in the 1 cup boiled milk and have it every day. Generally, children make lots of excuses to take turmeric milk due to the taste but if you want to improve the taste then add ginger powder, cardamon, or pepper powder to the mixture. It will also improve the health benefits.

Golden milk also makes your body strong and healthy. How? To get the answer, stick to the page till the end as the page is going to be very informative to you. Here, we are listing 10 benefits of turmeric milk.
Benefits of Drinking Turmeric Milk
1. Helps in growing strong and healthy hair
We all need healthy growing hair, but it seems very difficult nowadays due to lots of hair issues. But now it is very easy to have shiny and strong hair. You just need to have turmeric milk every day. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties present in the turmeric protect the scalp cells that prevent the hair from radical damage. And the milk provides essential minerals to the hair.
2. Boost immunity
Drinking turmeric milk every day makes your body healthy and boosts your immunity to fight disease. Turmeric contains Curcumin which acts as an antioxidant and antimicrobial agent to fight mild infections and protect our body from such harmful bacteria. During coughs, and colds our body loses energy, but it is always recommended to take turmeric milk during this stage to get the energy back.
3. Helpful during the periods
Every woman suffers a lot of pain and cramps during the menstrual periods. Sometimes it becomes unbearable, and they take medicine to cure the pain, but it is not safe to take medicine. Meanwhile, the other safe and effective way to face this stage is to have turmeric milk before going to bed every day. It contains anti-spasmodic properties that have effects on muscles and in a very short time, give you relief from pain and cramps.
4. Turmeric milk helps your skin to glow
Pimples, acne, open pores, etc are some main problems of skin and many of you might be suffering from these problems. But turmeric milk has numerous benefits to your skin. It treats and prevents these skin issues and makes your skin healthy and glows. Milk plays a great role here as it provides your skin with essential nutrients and gives your skin a natural glow.
5. Helps to lose weight
If you are also suffering from obesity and want to shed some weight, then turmeric milk is going to help you in weight management. The curcumin present in turmeric is very effective in reducing body weight. It not only helps you to get rid of obesity but also helps you to get a healthy lifestyle. If you want a good and fast result, then take a glass of turmeric milk every day. Avoid using fat milk in order to lose fat.
6. Gives you a good sleep
Taking a Good Sleep is very important for our body. But due to work stress and tension, we didn’t get enough sleep. But regular intake of turmeric might help you to get rid of Insomnia. Curcumin present in turmeric has calming effects on our body and mind. It also benefits our body by lowering stress and relieving us from the hectic schedule. Regular intake of turmeric milk makes our body and mind positive and relaxed.
7. Turmeric milk improves digestion
Oftentimes we eat such foods and drinks which are harmful to our body and always ends with a stomach-ache and problems like constipation, indigestion, etc but for all these stomach-related issues there is one solution- Turmeric milk. It gives you relief from such abdominal pain in a very short time. Add ginger or pepper powder to add health benefits to the body.
8. Reduces the risk of cancer
With the help of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, this Golden milk reduces the risk of cancer. There are many types of cancer like lung cancer, lymphoma which even lead to death if not treated in time. So, if you don’t want to risk your life then start taking turmeric milk every day which will protect your body from Cancer.
9. Helps in the treatment of respiratory problems
Respiratory problems like asthma, bronchitis, etc can easily be treated with turmeric milk. The respiratory problems are caused mainly due to smoking and harmful air, but regular intake of turmeric milk is the best remedy to treat these problems due to the presence of Curcumin which protects the lungs and strengthens our body.
10. Eliminate inflammation
Turmeric golden milk has the ability to heal Inflammation and protects our skin and body. The anti-inflammatory properties act as an agent to reduce inflammation and relieve joint pain.
Side Effects of Turmeric Milk
Don’t overdose on turmeric milk in order to reap more benefits. Excessive use of anything leads to harmful consequences. So, it is recommended to take it in a good quantity, otherwise, these are some common side effects to knock on the door.
- The rise in sugar levels
- Allergy
- Dizziness
- Diarrhoea
- Nausea
- Abdominal pain
If you don’t want to be the victim of such problems, then make sure you are honest with the intake of turmeric milk.
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